One week..

ouch! It have been a week since last time :( so so sorry! but I have been working and just chilling, nothing have happen the last days. Right  now I'm on the train to Västerås, it's the city where my father lives. Where I'm borned and lived tha last years before I moved to Gothenburg. I miss the place sometimes because I miss my friends. Well, when I get to Västerås me and my dad will go by car to Hudiksvall to my sister and her family and spend chirstmas there. It will only be a few days for me before I'm on the train home again. Hopefully I can be more on the internet on the way home. Today I only got between 1 and 2 whours before my powersupply will die :( but it's better then nothing.

Julie, is it really a good time? I will do it better next time then :P I know what I will buy when I get home, I will buy a rope so I can jump with it when I'm home :D it will be so much fun. And I would like to have more weights so I can get stronger at home. only got two weights with 2 kg each.

Amanda, ja visst är det kul med engelska :P och tack för komplimangen, jag försöker bli bättre hela tiden, men jag vet att jag inte är  så duktigt gramatiskt. Det blir bättre och bättre dock :) Kul att du kikade förbi vännen!


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