I know I know..

.. I have been really bad to update my blogg :( Sorry... I have been ill, been in my bed most of the time. I have finaly got my curtains shorter. I had to iron them up with some kind of glue. My iron is not the best, but it was good two times, because I did wrong twice.. :P I turned the material inside out! and I managed to burn myself on the iron.. but now, it looks alot better then before. I will show some pictures tomorrow :)
I was to the gym yesterday, was only running on a machine.. but it went much better then the first time. 5 km in 35 minutes :) I know its slow, but I haven't been running for over a year, or jogging. I will get better. I need to find some good tunes to listen to when I'm there. Any tips?

Postat av: Julie

I went jogging yesterday actually :-o And your 5km in 35 mins isnt that bad, haha.

2009-12-17 @ 15:33:22
URL: http://juliestar.wordpress.com/
Postat av: Amanda

Måste gå in här mer! Så coolt att du bestäde dig för att skriva på engelska ju! Skit duktig e du oxå!

Hoppas du mår bäst!


2009-12-18 @ 00:31:29
URL: http://mandy80.blogg.se/

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